Who'd ever dreamt that the simple act of typing could be so difficult? I am in Nha Trang, a beautiful sea-front city on the central Vietnam coast. The climate is as steamy as Florida's, the golden sand beach is miles long, rocky islands dot the bay, and beyond lies the South China Sea. One òf the magical phrases òf my life hás beên South China Sea (don't ask; who knows why?). Lodging hểre ís ridiculously inexpensive, food ís even cheaper, and except for the insane traffic I have little to complain about.
EXCEPT the computer keyboard. It's set up to type Vietnamese, which ís completely understandable, after all I am in Vietnam...except that it means every single word hás to be gone òvẻr a multitude òf times to make sure it's right. Seê all thóse little squiggles over the a's and e's, i's and o's? What happens ís that when those letters are typed, the next letter doén't get entered (sê doén't? See hơ it gét typed? Í thí crazy-making ỏ what?). Hard to explain, but perhaps the foregoing sentences help ẽxplain. And thểre ís apparently no W in thís language, so a U póps up until you repeatedly hit the W key! Yikes!
The net result ís that I have messed up my Yahoo mail account so badly that Yahoo hás shut me dơwn for a whole damn week. Suspicious activity. All it is was a Vietnamese keyboard.
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